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Attendance & Absence

Welcome to the Attendance and Absence section of our website. On this page you will find information on how to report absences, information on  absence requests, national guidance and useful information regarding isolation periods for sickness and illness.

What time does Westgate Academy open?

Gates open at 08:45am

Gates close 9.00am

Registers are taken at 9.05am.

Arrival after 09:05am is classed as late and is indicated by code L in the register.

My child is poorly. How long do they need to be off school?


Exclusion period


Athlete’s foot


Athlete’s foot is not a serious condition. Treatment is recommended.

Chicken pox

Five days from onset of rash and all the lesions have crusted over


Cold sores (herpes simplex)


Avoid kissing and contact with the sores. Cold sores are generally mild and heal without treatment



If an outbreak/cluster occurs, consult your local HPT


Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people, where they can. 

Children and young people with mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, or slight cough, who are otherwise well, can continue to attend their education setting.




Diarrhoea and vomiting

Whilst symptomatic and 48 hours after the last symptoms.


Diphtheria *

Exclusion is essential. Always consult with your local HPT

Preventable by vaccination. Family contacts must be excluded until cleared to return by your local HPT

Flu (influenza)

Until recovered

Report outbreaks to your local HPT.


Glandular fever



Hand foot and mouth


Contact your local HPT if large numbers of children are affected. Exclusion may be considered in some circumstances

Head lice


Treatment recommended only when live lice seen

Hepatitis A*

Exclude until seven days after onset of jaundice (or 7 days after symptom onset if no jaundice)

In an outbreak of hepatitis A, your local HPT will advise on control measures

Hepatitis B*, C*, HIV


Hepatitis B and C and HIV are blood borne viruses that are not infectious through casual contact. Contact your local HPT for more advice


Until lesions are crusted /healed or 48 hours after starting antibiotic treatment

Antibiotic treatment speeds healing and reduces the infectious period.


Four days from onset of rash and recovered

Preventable by vaccination (2 doses of MMR). Promote MMR for all pupils and staff. Pregnant staff contacts should seek prompt advice from their GP or midwife

Meningococcal meningitis*/ septicaemia*

Until recovered

Meningitis ACWY and B are preventable by vaccination (see national schedule NHS Vaccinations). Your local HPT will advise on any action needed

Meningitis* due to other bacteria

Until recovered

Hib and pneumococcal meningitis are preventable by vaccination (see national schedule NHS Vaccinations) Your local HPT will advise on any action needed

Meningitis viral*


Milder illness than bacterial meningitis. Siblings and other close contacts of a case need not be excluded.



Good hygiene, in particular handwashing and environmental cleaning, are important to minimise spread. Contact your local HPT for more information


Five days after onset of swelling

Preventable by vaccination with 2 doses of MMR (see national schedule NHS Vaccinations). Promote MMR for all pupils and staff.


Not usually required.

Treatment is needed.

Rubella (German measles)

Four days from onset of rash

Preventable by vaccination with 2 doses of MMR (see national schedule NHS Vaccinations). Promote MMR for all pupils and staff. Pregnant staff contacts should seek prompt advice from their GP or midwife

Scarlet fever

Exclude until 24hrs of appropriate antibiotic treatment completed

A person is infectious for 2-3 weeks if antibiotics are not administered. In the event of two or more suspected cases, please contact local health protection team.


Can return after first treatment

Household and close contacts require treatment at the same time.

Slapped cheek /Fifth disease/Parvo virus B19

None (once rash has developed)

Pregnant contacts of case should consult with their GP or midwife.



Treatment recommended for child & household



There are many causes, but most cases are due to viruses and do not need an antibiotic treatment

Tuberculosis (TB)

Always consult your local HPT BEFORE disseminating information to staff/parents/carers

Only pulmonary (lung) TB is infectious to others. Needs close, prolonged contact to spread

Warts and verrucae


Verrucae should be covered in swimming pools, gyms and changing rooms

Whooping cough (pertussis)*

Two days from starting antibiotic treatment, or 21 days from onset of symptoms if no antibiotics

Preventable by vaccination. After treatment, non-infectious coughing may continue for many weeks. Your local HPT will organise any contact tracing


* Denotes a notifiable disease. It is a statutory requirement that doctors report a notifiable disease to the proper officer of the local authority (usually a consultant in communicable disease control).

My child is absent. What do I do?

Contact us as soon as possible on the first day of absence, this needs to be before 9.00am;

  • Absence must be reported directly to the school office by the pupil’s parent/carer. Messages sent by a friend or neighbour will not be accepted.
  • You can email (, call (01522 528308), or come into school and report absence to reception.

We are planning to be away from school. What is the procedure?

  • Leave of absence forms are to be requested and completed at least 14days in advance. Please note, leave of absence will only be granted under exceptional circumstances and is at the discretion of the Headteacher. Holidays taken in term time are unauthorised and may incur a Fixed Penalty Notice per parent. Please see Attendance update document below for further information.

My child has a medical appointment. What should I do?

  • Other planned absences/appointments must be notified to the school office before the absence is taken. Proof of appointments such as copies of appointment letters/ texts/emails will be requested.

How do we manage attendance within school?

The Westgate Attendance team meet on a weekly basis to review pupil attendance. If a pupil’s attendance is less than 90%, then they become a ‘Persistent Absentee (PA)’.

Good attendance is is a legal requirement. It is also essential if your child is to benefit and take advantage of the educational opportunities that Westgate Academy has to offer. Parents of pupils identified as PA, or likely to be PA, will be notified electronically and invited into school for a panel meeting.  The school must, however, consider each PA and decide whether a letter is appropriate, e.g. if the child has had a prolonged medical condition etc. Cases of persistent absence may be made known to the local authority attendance team.

If a child’s attendance is declining towards 90%, then the school will send a letter to parents informing them of this.